Hargai Kaum Wanita

Pesanan aku kepada kaum yg sejenisku yakni lelaki, sila hormati kaum wanita dan hargailah mereka kerana kita memerlukan mereka. Perlindungan, kasih sayang dan segalanya adalah hadiah terbaik dari kita sebagai menghargai golongan yang berlekuk-lekuk dan comel itu.

Wanita adalah sumber inspirasiku...

Selasa, Oktober 13, 2009



Dalam pada aku memberikan pujian pada diri aku sendiri, Mira pula tak dapat melahirkan sebarang kata pun. Yang ada cuma senyuman, dan yang pasti senyuman dia memang manis, semanis manis senyman yang pernah aku jumpa dan yg pasti ia adalah manis asli. Aci di kerat jari suring pun, demi untuk melihat senyuman itu untuk seluruh hidup aku, aku sanggup lakukan apa saja hatta disuruh berjalan mengiring dari Burma sampai ke New York. Yaaa... demi Mira apa saja aku sanggup. Dia mmg menawan, dia mmg menarik dan yang pasti dia adalah secantik falci dan selembut Lady Cda serta seayu fieza. Aku pula??? errr.... menurut awek2 yang aku kenali, mereka kata aku punya rupa mmg ada nilai2 komersil dan yang pasti agensi modeling takkan menolak aku. ingat tau... bukan aku yg cakap.. tapi awek2 yang aku kenali berkata mcm tu, dan aku cuma menyampaikan kata2 mereka di ruangan ini.

Dia mmg menawan, dia mmg menarik dan yang pasti dia adalah secantik falci dan selembut Lady Cda serta seayu fieza - Sekadar gambar hiasan

Muka Mira merah skit, dan aku suka melihat keadaan itu dan Mira meluahkan kata2 yang bagi aku cukup-cukup indah dan cukup-cukup menawan, iya.. salah satu sebab ianya datang dari mulut seorang gadis yg cantik dan menawan serta seindah Mira. Iyaa... Mira juga seindah fasha wanna. dan salah satu sebab lagi adalah Mira melahirkan kata-kata "takde la bang, setakat ni Mira masih single dan takde pakwe, abg tu pulak macam mana? dah ada awek ke belum". hehehe... betul tak tuan-tuan??? dalam episod yang lepas aku tak tanya dia pun, cuma serkap dan kadang-kadang senjata serkap nih pasti dibalas dalam bentuk jawapan. Dan aku terus menjawab soalan Mira tadi dengan jujur "errr... sebenarnya awek abang ramai sangat dan Mira mungkin akan masuk list awek2 abang nanti.. tapi jangan risau.. Mira mungkin jadi awek rasmi abang nanti..hehehhehe" dan kejujuran aku tadi dipatahkan dengan ayat Mira ini "eh abang ni, main-main lak dia.. banyak awek la kononnn" sambil buat muka dan sedikit gelak.

Iyaa... Mira juga seindah fasha wanna - Sekadar gambar hiasan

Iya.. aku seorang lelaki yang jujur dan suka berterus-terang tapi kadang-kala sering jugak kejujuran aku diperkotak-katikkan..dan yang pasti Mira tak percaya aku ada awek ramai. Nak buat macam mana kannn.... orang dah tak caya, so takkan kita nak yakinkan dia lagi. sesungguhnya ketidakpercayaan dia dlm situasi macam ni memang perlu. Iya... dia sudah bagi isyarat untuk aku mengurat dia. hehehe. Dan aku pasti akan bersungguh-sungguh mengurat anak ahli politik kampung aku itu.

Mira tak percaya aku ada awek ramai - Sekadar gambar hiasan

Aku betul-betul ceria, dan aku betul-betul gembira hari ini.. selain dapat keluar dengan gadis secantik Mira, aku juga diberi signal untuk aku menguratnya. kegembiraan aku ini memang patut aku raikan dan sebagai langkah pertama aku sekali lagi mengucapkan tahniah yang bertalu-talu kepada diri sendiri. Iya perumpamaan yang aku dapat bagi gambaran kat korang semua adalah macam bangla karpet yang baru dapat kutip hutang. Senyuman aku takyah naka cakap la, lebar-selebarnya.

aku juga diberi signal untuk aku menguratnya - Sekadar gambar hiasan

Kemudian aku dan Mira berangkat ke Pusat bandar, dan aku tak sangka sudah banyak perubahan di bandar itu.. Bandar yang betul-betul berdikari dan membangun dengan sendiri. Aku memang kagum dengan negeri ini, seperti mana aku kagum pada diri sendiri. Iya.. dalam kedaifan mereka dapat membangunkan negeri yang majoritinya mempunyai masyarakat yang gigih dan bekerja keras dengan menjalankan perniagaan sebagai kegiatan utama. Golongan wanita di negeri ini juga amat tabah. Aku jadikan masyarakat negeri ini sebagai idola dan aku juga akan tabah setabah mereka.

Mira si gadis idaman - Sekadar gambar hiasan

Berbalik pada cerita aku, dari masuk kereta tadi aku tengok Mira masih senyum dan kadang-kadang memandang aku. Aku pulak buat-buat tak tahu, tapi dari ekor mata aku mmg tahu yang Mira berkali-kali memandang aku seperti nak cakap sesuatu.. tapi tak lepas. sekarang aku berada di tengah-tengah bandar dan mencari petak parkir kereta. Berjalan lebih seronok sebab lama dah aku tak datang sini. jadi peluang ini aku nak guna sepenuhnya ditambah lagi aku sedang beriringan dengan seorang gadis yang cantik.

aku tengok Mira masih senyum dan kadang-kadang memandang aku - Sekadar gambar hiasan

errrrrrr............. bersambunggggg....


Isnin, Oktober 12, 2009

Love is magic

Love is magic

Some say that we are born to love and that love is the meaning and the aim of our lives. Many people believe that it’s a divine magical power that connects two loving hearts. For ages people have been thinking of what love is, writing books and song about love, in the recent time – shooting movies all on the same topic. Christians would say that God teaches us to love each other, the most skeptical materialists would blame it all on the chemical processes and hormones, romantic people would stand for the theory that each of us has his or her half on the Earth. Whatever love really is – the humanity definitely loves it.

Love is opposite to selfishness, because it’s always heading to some other person but you. It’s the highest point of human’s relations development. One voluntary gives up a great part of his/her own freedom. Love is giving by it’s nature. Person feels satisfaction and happiness not from receiving but from and seeing one happy. Two individuals completing one another form some spiritual union in which one is happy because the other’s is happy and one knows that he or she loves because he or she knows he/she would do anything it takes to make the other.

Love has it’s magical power to overcome all troubles, heal illnesses, create wonders. In critical life situations it gives people the strength to survive, to hold on however tough the living gets. And it all comes from the knowledge that you’re not alone in this world.

But everyone should mind that love arises not between angels but between people with all their little sins and flows. So the mistakes, problems and conflicts in love are in fact normal, they all come from our human’s nature. But the clear feeling of love is worth all the troubles one has to walk through to gain it. As we know Rome wasn’t built in a day, the same thing with love. There’s not any perfect art of loving. It’s always a road laid with compromises, everyday battle – not with the one you love, but with yourself. That’s how love makes us better. For everyone this way is personal. You can never predict how the relationships will develop but it’s in your ability to make it better.

Some say that love lives free years, other theory gives love one more year, some don’t give it any chance. Very many people believe that a family is a grave of love. So the negative prognoses are plenty. But still there stay some true believers. And deep in the heart many of us would like to believe and do believe in love. Because it has some magic in it and all the attempts to explain and to define it are failures.

Love makes clever people loose their mind and silly ones it makes genius. Love is paradoxical in very many aspects. There are statements that love is always happiness even when it’s unhappy and at the same time that there’s both nothing worse and nothing better than it. Another variant is that you never lived till you loved, and that love is the key to life and the sense of it. We may cite very many sayings and examples. They all are true and none is final. In one thing we can be sure: one who loves sees the world in the different way when all others, things look brighter, birds sing louder, life shows itself in it’s completeness.

copy from : http://peoplerelationships.syl.com/loverelationships/loveismagic

What is true love?

What is true love?

Written by Harriet Sun

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True love: what it is and what it isn’t. Find out if you’ve got the real deal. Find out what to do to get the real McCoy. Try out our short course on “True Love 101″.

I can picture the day. Rice flying, a limo pulling up to take him and me to the airport, white clusters of flowers on the pews, tears in my mother’s eyes, my bridesmaids in lavender chiffon….

All the details of my wedding day are worked out in my head. All of them, that is, except for the groom. Oops. That’s an important part, huh?

Love. It’s a commonly thrown around four-letter word. “I love macaroni and cheese.” “I love Vanilla Ice.” (Remember that?) Sometimes, even an “I love him” or “I love her.”

What is real love? And is there a difference between that and the heart-pounding adrenaline rush I feel when I see…? You know the person I’m talking about. That hot guy playing basketball at the gym… the cute girl who makes eye contact as she passes by… the friend of a friend of a friend… maybe a best friend. It’s that person we keep track of when he or she is in the same room, whose comments and actions we analyze to no end.

There are a few things love isn’t. Love isn’t a feeling. Although real love is often accompanied by strong feelings, love does not equate with the sense of floating on clouds. Unlike the type of love that movies, television, and songs portray, people in love don’t always feel ooey gooey around each other.

A relationship wouldn’t last long on emotions. In fact, knowledge is the basis of a healthy relationship.

Knowing about the other person is key. I used to and sometimes still do “fall in love” with guys that I have never had a conversation with, whether it be a movie star in the latest romantic drama or the guy sitting behind me in a calculus class. I would know his name and his face, and that was the extent of my knowledge of him. If I were to start a relationship with him, who knows where that would lead us!

Knowing about the person’s personality and character are so important. One good test is to list the qualities that attract us to that guy or girl. If the list is long, we know a lot about them and like those things. If the list is short, we either don’t know a lot about them or we know a lot but aren’t attracted to his or her personality.

Another important factor in a relationship is common life goals. If the relationship is going to be long term, we need to be going in the same general direction as the other person. If his dream is to travel as an international businessman and she wants to be a realtor in a single location, conflict could arise. If she wants to live in the countryside with nature and he likes the hustle and bustle of a big city, there are potentially serious problems with the direction of the couple’s lives.

Love isn’t sex. That statement alone goes against a lot of what the entertainment industry feeds us. Whenever two people hook up in pop culture, they have sex. Without showing some of the unpleasant realities of premarital and extramarital sex, it is drawn up to be a wonderful, fun recreational activity.

Sex is created for marriage–a long-lasting commitment between a couple. Outside of marriage, sex can have harsh consequences. Pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, guilt, insecurity, and shame can follow. A relationship based on lust can only last as long as the two are physically close and find each other sexually attractive.

Love is a choice. It’s a commitment. Although feelings will accompany love, and although sex will be a part of marriage, a lasting, healthy relationship cannot be based on these things.

The Bible says that God is love. God, as our designer and creator, made us with needs for love. Do you ever wonder why we constantly seek love from others but never feel completely satisfied? It’s because God designed us for an unconditional love, and we, as people, are flawed.

People, whether friends, family, or your significant other, will invariably let you down at some point. God wants us to find our need for love and acceptance in him first. One person cannot meet all our needs, even if he’s funny or she’s thoughtful.

We were made for God’s love, and God’s love alone can fill that need. Only after experiencing and knowing the unconditional love that God has for us, the love that drove God to send his Son to die for us on earth, can we begin to love others with the same quality of unconditional love.

TRUE LOVE 101: What does it take to be that significant other?


  • Sees the other person as perfect
  • Wants to get own needs met; selfish
  • Spends all time with the other person
  • Quickly “falls” for the other person
  • Other relationships and friendships deteriorate
  • Dependence on the other person causes
  • Jealousy frequently
  • Lasts for a short period of time
  • Distance strains and often puts an end to the relationship
  • Quarrels are serious and common
  • Quarrels can seriously damage the relationship


  • Sees the other person’s flaws and still loves them
  • Wants to serve the other person; selfless
  • Still spends time with others
  • Takes time to build the relationship
  • Other relationships and friendships grow stronger
  • Trust and understanding results in less severe and less frequent jealousy
  • Encompasses a long-term commitment
  • Survives and sometimes is strengthened because of distance
  • Quarrels are less serious and less often
  • Quarrels can strengthen the relationship

Infatuation can be so tempting. But the question is, do I want a lasting, satisfying relationship? If so, infatuation isn’t the answer. Look at your relationships through the grid above. Infatuation isn’t a bad thing, as long as we don’t base a relationship on it.

Perhaps finding real love begins with God, the one who created relationships.

copy from : http://powertochange.com/

Romeo & Juliet

Romeo & Juliet

The story is, of course, about a pair of star-crossed lovers. Two teenagers pursue their love for each other despite the fact that their families have been at odds with each other for decades. The story combines swordfighting, disguise, misunderstanding, tragedy, humor, and some of the most romantic language found in literature all in the name of true love.

In Verona, Italy in the late 1500's, two powerful families the Montagues and the Capulets have been feuding with each other for years. Old Capulet, Juliet's father, throws a party to which he invites all his friends. The Montagues are not invited of course, but Romeo devises a plan to get a look at Rosaline; a young girl he has been pursing. He disguises himself and slips into the party. Once inside, his attention is stolen; not by Rosaline, but by Juliet. Romeo falls instantly in love, but is disappointed when he finds out that Juliet is a Capulet. Juliet notices Romeo too, but she is unaware that he is a member of the hated Montagues.

Later, after discovering that the young man who caught her eye is a member of the enemy family, Juliet goes out onto her balcony to tell the stars about her strong but forbidden love. At the same time, Romeo is lurking in the bushes below. He overhears Juliet confess her love for him to the heavens. No longer able to control his powerful feelings, Romeo reveals himself to her and admits that he feels the same. The very next day, with the help of Romeo's friend Friar Lawrence, Romeo and Juliet are secretly married.

On the day of the wedding, two of Romeo's friends, Benvolio and Mercutio, are walking through the streets of Verona when they are confronted by Juliet's cousin, Tybalt. Tybalt is out to get Romeo for crashing the Capulet's party so he starts a fight with his friends. Romeo shows up, but does not want to fight Tybalt because he no longer holds a grudge against Juliet's family. Romeo's friends can't understand why he won't stand up for himself so Mercutio steps in to do it for him. A swordfight with Tybalt follows. Mercutio is killed. To avenge the death of his friend, Romeo kills Tybalt, an act that will award him even more hatred from the Capulet family. The Prince of Verona banishes Romeo and he is forced to leave Juliet, who is devastated by the loss of her love. Juliet's father, not knowing of his daughter's marriage, decides to marry her to another young man named Paris.

In despair, Juliet consults with Friar Laurence. He advises her to agree to the marriage, but on the morning of the wedding, she will drink a potion that he prepares for her. The potion will make it look like Juliet is dead and she will be put into the Capulet burial vault. Then, the Friar will send Romeo to rescue her. She does as the Friar says and is put into the vault by her heartbroken parents.

Bad news travels fast. Before the Friar can tell Romeo of the hoax, Romeo hears from someone else that his beloved Juliet is dead. Overcome with grief, Romeo buys a poison and goes to Juliet's tomb to die beside his wife. At the door of the tomb, Romeo is forced to fight Paris, whom he swiftly kills. Nothing will stop him from joining his love. Inside the vault, Romeo drinks the poison and takes his last breath next to his sleeping wife.

Moments later, Juliet awakens to see her husband's dead body. She learns what has happened from Friar Laurence who has just arrived and accessed the scene. With no reason left to live, Juliet kills herself with Romeo's dagger. The tragedy has a tremendous impact on both the Montagues and the Capulets. The families are hurt so much by the death of their children that they agree to never fight again.



~imbas kembali perenggan terakhir episod yg lepas~

Walaupun sikit gelabah dengan peristiwa Nadia tadi atas kebmbangan
tertentu tapi aku masih mampu bertenang dan bersahaja, bermakna jika
situasi yg tak diingini berlaku aku juga mampu tanganinya dengan baik.
atas ketenangan aku tadi darjah rasa hormat pada diri aku sendiri juga
semakin menaik dan tahniah kepada aku sendiri.

~tamat imbas kembali~

"i berhajat nak madukan Mira dan Nadia ni, boleh kan?" - Sekadar gambar hiasan

"errr... so nampaknya kira semua nih satu kampung.. apa kata u bagi no u kat Mira, sekurangnya bolehla kontek2 kan" cadang aku kepada mereka berdua, dan tanpa membantah mereka ikut jer dan sifat mengikut mereka itu gamaknya tak kisah dan akan mengikut juga kalau aku sebut ayat "i berhajat nak madukan Mira dan Nadia ni, boleh kan?" tapi takde la pulak aku sebut dilog tu kat mereka berdua.

Rasa macan nak jatuh cinta lagi.. lagi dan lagi.... - Sekadar gambar hiasan

Setelah bertukar-tukar no. hp mereka bersalaman dan Nadia minta diri untuk meneruskan tugasnya pada hari itu. Dan tugas aku lepas ni pula adalah untuk mencari idea bagaimana aku nak 'tengok2' telepon bimbit Mira untuk dapatkan nombor Nadia tadi. Hehehe. harap2 ada la masa bertuahnya nanti. Aku bukan apa, bila dah bertukar-tukar nombor telepon dan tentu sedikit sebanyak kita akan menaruh harapan supaya orang akan telepon kita, dan aku yakin yang Nadia tadi berharap salah seorang dari kami akan menghubunginya dan aku juga yakin yang Mira pulak pasti tak telefon punya laa.... jadi untuk tidak menghampakan Nadia aku rasa bertanggungjawab untuk menelefonnya. Tapi bagaimana cara untuk aku dapatkan nombor Nadia di telefon bimbit Mira?? akan aku usahakan juga nanti. Bila teringat senyuman Nadia tadi aku rasa sekali lagi hatiku berfungsi dengan membuka pintu cinta. hehehe. Rasa macan nak jatuh cinta lagi.. lagi dan lagi....

Cantik, lemah lembut dan yang pasti kalau orang tua tengok pun pakat berebut nak buat menantu - Sekadar gambar hiasan

Sedang aku dok berfikir-fikir dan berkira-kira ranangan yang seterusnya aku dikejutkan Mira dengan ayat perangkap "Cantik kan Nadia tu, agaknya abang tentu nak awek macam dia kan?" ayat dan soalan perangkap yang menguji aku sebagai seorang lelaki yang jantan. Tapi aku tak berikan jawapan kepada soalan dia tadi sebaliknya membalas "Sebenarnya gadis yg abang nak buat awek tu ciri2nya yg macam Mira ni, semua ada.. Cantik, lemah lembut dan yang pasti kalau orang tua tengok pun pakat berebut nak buat menantu, tak tau la pulak macam mana Mira kan.. bertuah pakwe Mira kan?" hehehe.

Sekali lagi aku tabik pada diri sendiri - Sekadar gambar hiasan

Aku betul-betul kagum dengan diri sendiri kerana disamping menepis soalan Mira tadi, aku berjaya membuat perasaannya menjadi kembang dengan pujian disamping memancing untuk mengetahui adakah dia sudah berpunya. Sekali lagi aku tabik pada diri sendiri. Hehehe....

Senyuman Nadia sehebat senyuman fasha wanna yang memungkinkan kutub utara pun boleh jadi cair - Sekadar gambar Hiasan

Apakah Jawapan Mira??? sama2 kita nantikan awek satu kampung part 11 yang sudah pasti lagi menarik.